Apple CEO Steve Jobs resigns

Steve Jobs, The CEO of Apple ,It was by a simple letter sent to the board that we just learned the resignation of the founder and CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, today, 24 August.
He said in a letter to the board of Apple as "I've always said that if there was aday when I could no longer perform my duties as CEO of Apple I will let you know . Unfortunately that day has come. "

The U.S. company Apple Computer announced on Wednesday the resignation of its CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs, who was on sick leave since Januaryfor a period and an undetermined reason.

He will nevertheless continue to occupy the office of President of the Board within the group.
It's his number two Tim Cook who will replace him in his duties as CEO.

"I always said that when I could no longer fulfill my duties as director [...] Apple, I'd be the first to know," he wrote in a letter to the Board of administration and the "Apple community."

"Unfortunately, that day has come. So I resigned as CEO of Apple, "he adds.

"I think that the brightest 
days and the most innovative of Apple will come. And I look forward to observe and contribute to success in a new role, "says Steve Jobs in his letter.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs resigns Apple CEO Steve Jobs resigns Reviewed by prof ossama on 12:07:00 AM Rating: 5