Prostate cancer: the United States accelerated the review of the treatment of Bayer

 Prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms in the early stages
The German laboratory Bayer said Tuesday that the U.S. Federal Drug Agency(FDA) would consider in a simplified application for authorization of treatment of prostate cancer that develops with the Norwegian Algete.

The Alpharadin, or chloride of radium-233, showed promising results at the endof Phase III clinical trials on a large scale.
It has proven to prolong the life of patients with prostate cancer 14 months, against an average 11.2 months for patients with placebo.
This drug, which is still marketed in any country but in which the groupLeverkusen (West) up a lot of hope, addressing the resulting bone metastasesof cancer.
"The prostate cancer is a leading cause of death among men in the world", said Bayer in a statement.

"Patients who are at an advanced stage of disease urgently need newtreatment options," said Kemal Malik, a branch responsible for the pharmacygroup, said in the statement.
The procedure "Fast Track" the FDA can speed up the study of new drugs totreat serious or life-threatening conditions.
This new benefited Tuesday pursuant to Bayer. 
 At the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, they moved from 2.12% to 4.32 euros by 8:45 GMT, in an index.
Prostate cancer: the United States accelerated the review of the treatment of Bayer Prostate cancer: the United States accelerated the review of the treatment of Bayer Reviewed by prof ossama on 12:01:00 AM Rating: 5